Upturn Corporation Apps

Upturn: Instant Robo-advisor 2.3.3
Upturn's powerful adaptive AI Buy and Sell advisories identifystock upturns early to help you make better trading decisions.Upturn doesn't manage assets or executes trades for you. It is'Advisories-Only' Robo-Advisor assisting you to build any number ofRobo-Portfolios and providing recommendations to Buy or Sell stocksand ETFs within these Robo-Portfolios. Over 4500 US stocks and ETFsat NYSE and Nasdaq are currently supported by Upturn. Upturnprovides complete control to pick stocks/ETFs of your choice tobuild Robo-portfolios (assisted with Upturn historic performanceand Upturn star ratings and labels) and Upturn provides AI basedadvisories to Buy or Sell them which is updated daily after a fewhours of market close after Upturn completes churning thealgorithms. Users need to use a brokerage firm of their choice to"Buy" or "Sell" stocks/ETF. We use AI technology to give youfinancial advice so you know when to invest and when to sell yourstock based on your choices. Upturn provides persona-basedadvisories by churning 50+ proprietary and adaptive AI/MLalgorithms in the backend. This app is for the starting andseasoned investor. It gives you the ability to learn, plan, andinvest (paper trade or stocks investing simulator) in the stockmarket and build your own Robo-portfolio. There are many ways toidentifying stocks to Buy or Sell today through Upturn: a)Robo-Portfolios b) Top Performers c) Recent Movers d) My FavoritesInstant Robo-Portfolios: Create a winning portfolio in a matter ofseconds and receive Buy and Sell advice on these stocks from UpturnAI. Robo-portfolios can also be built through a screener or acustom Robo-portfolio by browsing through different stocks andlooking up their historic recommendations and performance. Add asmany numbers of stocks you want in a Robo-portfolio or even createas many Robo-portfolios to compare and choose the one you like. TheRobo-portfolios can be updated any time and you receivenotification in updates of Buy/Sell every day for these stocks. Theuser can compare different Robo-portfolios by seeing how theRobo-portfolio performed historically based on simulation on thevarious portfolio metrics and keep the ones you like to receiveupdates. Top Performers & Recent Movers: The app updates dailythe list of top performers and recent movers out of 4500+ stocksand ETFs, so users who don't want to create Robo-portfolios canjust browse through top-performing stocks or recent movers (who hadmore than 4% increase in the stock price in the last 3 weeks) toconsider investing in them. Day trader, swing trader, positiontrader, or Investors all are welcome and are catered throughPersonas. Personas for stock investing: Upturn recommendationscater to different personas of a stock trader (personas of someinvestor could plan to hold a stock for a year also called thepersona 'long', while some want to buy and sell a stock within a'quarter' or a few weeks to a 'month' ). Upturn providesrecommendations of "Buy" and "Sell" for each stock for alldifferent types of personas. Notifications on recent stock updates:Notifications will be sent if any of the stocks within theseRobo-portfolio have become either a "Buy" or a "Sell" Simulationsand Metrics: Upturn provides a simulated portfolio analysis to showhow the portfolio compares to S&P 500 on various metrics,including statistics such as cumulative returns, annualized return,risk-adjusted returns (Sharpe ratio) amongst others over variousperiods of time such as 1 month, 3 months, and 1 year and over 2years. Upturn membership is a week-to-week subscription and can becanceled anytime online. There are no long-term contracts orcancellation fees. Upturn is a US SEC registered InternetInvestment Adviser. Investing in the stock market is inherentlyrisky. For more details on how it works, please visithttps://www.upturn.io Please find Terms of Use athttps://www.upturn.io/terms-of-use